Tool Demonstrations and Posters
Submission and format instructions here.
Tool Demonstrations
Chairs: Abram Hindle and Chris Parnin
Please consider submitting a tool demo to the 2012 ICPC Tool Demo Track, we are looking for submissions that take novel research ideas and translate them into solid developer-ready tools. ICPC Tool Demos are a great way to advertise and promote your tool! We are interested in tools related to any topic relevant to the ICPC community, but would especially encourage submissions that incorporate novel IR techniques into tools. This year we're accepting demo proposals consisting of an extended abstract (2 pages) plus 1 page dedicated to screen-shots and figures. We also will ask authors to write a 1 page demo walk-through to illustrate to reviewers how the tool will be demonstrated. Please submit an exciting tool demo proposal to ICPC 2012!
The BEST TOOL DEMO wins a Kinect for Xbox 360 sponsored by Microsoft Research.
Poster Track
Chairs: Chanchal Roy and Stefan Löwe
The Poster Track of ICPC 2012 is looking for two-page poster paper submissions describing preliminary but novel ideas in the general area of program comprehension. In particular, researchers are invited to submit their early results on any topics that are under the umbrella of ICPC. Poster submissions are not required to cover major research results. Each poster paper submission will be reviewed by at least two members of the program committee and accepted poster papers will appear in the conference proceedings. There will be also a BEST POSTER AWARD which will be judged by the participants. The poster track is a great opportunity of communicating your exciting ideas to the community and in the same time to get their feedback for a mature submission in near future.
Poster track submissions comprise an extended abstract of two pages (ICPC 2012 proceedings format). It follows a similar writing style of a classical research paper (e.g., starting with the title, abstract, introduction, and so on). The only difference of this poster paper from other research papers is that the authors are not required to present major research results and that the work presented could be in the very early stage.
Submission and Publication
Tool and poster papers must be submitted electronically via EasyChair and conform to the ICPC 2012 Format and Submission Guidelines. Submissions should consist of a single document up to 4 pages for tool demos and 2 pages for posters. All accepted papers will be published in the ICPC 2012 conference proceedings.
For format and submission instructions, please continue under Submission.
If accepted, one author must register and attend the conference to present the paper.